Inspiring Creativity
15 September 2023

A Group of Year 6 students are hoping to inspire the community to be more creative and use their imagination more.
Evie, Eloise, Lilah, Lucy, Alexander and Hamish formed the Creative Curators group this year, as part of their Community Problem Solving Program in the Future Problem Solving competition.
Their innovative and inspiring idea has earned them a place in the National Finals of the competition, alongside August (Year 6) and Sasha (Year 9), in Brisbane in October.
Recognising that creativity and the ability to be creative is extremely important in our society, the group set themselves a mission to boost creativity and foster creative thinking.
As part of their mission, they held the first ever St Andrew's Lego Masters competition for students in Years 3 to 6.
After working through some challenges with logistical details, the first competition was held this term, with a range of incredible entries, including a Lego Drew the Roo and .
“We started the LEGO Masters Competition to boost students’ architectural skills and creativity by building LEGO,” Alexander said.
“The aim was for students to use their creative design skills and build something unique.
“We hope this will open students’ minds and help them start using their imaginations.”
Another important part of the competition was to assist the wider community.
Each entry donated $5, which will go towards making creative packs that we will be donated to local charity, SunnyKids, adding fun and creativity to the lives of disadvantaged children.
Congratulations to the winners Olivia (Year 3), Zack (Year 4), Kobe (Year 5) and Siena (Year 6).
After their first successful event, the Creative Curators plan to continue their mission with more creative events and a designated website.
“We would like to start setting up creative games to play, as well as starting a weekly bulletin series which will give families creative challenges,” Alexander said.
“We want to keep finding ways to foster creativity and open students' minds”
Heading into the National Finals has further motivated the group.
“We are incredibly excited and proud to have been selected for the National finals and we are now working hard to write a Project Report, that consists of a variety of different sections,” Alexander said.
“I believe it was because of many factors such as determination, teamwork, deep thinking and of course the great help given by all the teachers along the way.”
August's ATOMIC project aims to support the work of the STEMM (Supporting Teenagers with Education, Mothering and Mentoring) program at Burnside State High by raising awareness of the challenges faced by young mums and raising money via an informative trivia night
Year 9 student Sascha will also compete in the Scenario Writing division of the competition.